Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wrapping up 2010... hello 2011!!

Happy New Year, CAKEs!!!

Hard to believe that 2010 is over... some good, some sad, some hard, some happy days! I, for one, am missing our few days in NYC. Brunch in Brooklyn on Sunday, anyone?

So, my big chance to complete my December goals is done. How did I do? Ok, I'll tell you.

1. Order and send out Christmas Cards. (CHECK.... I liked them a lot too!)

2. Make at least one meal for someone else. (CHECK... thank you, Expectant Parent Ministry!)

3. Sing at least one Christmas carol together. (CHECK.... bible study christmas party, Lessons & Carols, and not one, but TWO Christmas Eve services)

4. Go to Starbucks and get a salted caramel hot chocolate! (BIG FAT FAIL. Went to Starbucks multiple times in December and failed, still. Ok, well there's always January!)

5. Make an ornament for our tree to remember 2010. (CHECK!! Thank you to the lovely C, I did not have to make anything :)

6. Bake a batch of Christmas cookies. (CHECK, CHECK, and CHECK. Two were good, one was bad. Here is a new recipe I tried that I liked)

7. Write down the things that God taught us in 2010. (CHECK, sort of. This happened in 2011, yesterday in fact. How much He has taught us. How much we have to learn!)

So, all in all, my December goals went pretty well. One goal I should go ahead and write down for 2011 would be to get my Christmas shopping early. Going to the mall on Christmas Eve certainly has to be close to what life in you-know-where must be like.

So, welcome January 2011! I hope you bring big things. And I have big plans for you!

January 2011 Goals:
1. Be more positive about work. Take this a day at a time.

2. Host Book Club.

3. Sign up for at least one creative class (maybe pottery, calligraphy, or letterpress).

4. Plan meals each week.

5. Don't buy junk! Think through purchases more thoroughly and decide if they are worth it. Example, buying plane ticket to NYC=excellent impulse purchase; buying ugly green shirt that was on sale to get home and see a hole=bad bad purchase.

6. Stay consistent on doing bible study daily. (Ok, this one has to start today, otherwise I will be starting at fail level).

7. Try at least one new recipe. Preferably out of my new cookbook!

Happy 2011. I hope this year will bring many wonderful things.... the least of which being a new blog from each of you favorite friends!!

Much love,


  1. K, those truffles look amazing! Were they hard to make? Also, I had like three salted caramel hot chocolates just because they were on your December goals, so I think you can check that one off the list too. :) I am impressed with how much you achieved in December!

    Lastly, I want that cookbook so bad that I can hardly stand it. Is it bad for me to give myself a new year prize?

  2. K, I have to confess that I've been waiting with bated breath for your January goals to be posted.

    I. Love. Goals.

    No surprise there :) Like A, I had several salted caramel hot chocolates in your honor, so I think you can definitely check it off.

    I'm hoping to host a book club as well so we'll have to compare notes in February!


  3. I'm really glad yall took care of some of my goals for me! Thank you! :)

    And A, NO, you should DEFINITELY give yourself a new year's present!!
