Sunday, January 16, 2011

I made butter

Yes, I made butter. And you won't even believe how easy it is. I don't know why I've never tried it before. Here are the super simple steps. It is SO GOOD on freshly baked bread or waffles. We tried it on both!

Makes about a 1/2 cup.

Pour half (or whole, depending on how much you want) a container of heavy whipping cream into a glass or metal bowl. Beat with a mixer until the mixture starts to look like butter. This takes a while.... maybe 15 minutes. Once you can see the butter curds separating, you take all of the butter and wrap it in a cheesecloth. Squeeze the milk whey out of the butter until you are satisfied with the consistency. Serve on hot fresh bread!

So good, you guys. So good that I didn't feel bad about serving my husband chips and salsa for dinner last week!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! I didn't know it was so easy! I will be trying this sometime soon.
