Monday, December 6, 2010

Making a list....


Some of us (C and K!) live by them; some of us don't.

A life-long listmaker, I find safety in writing everything down. Whether it's a grocery list on the back of an envelope, or note on the old iPhone, lists keep my life in check.

So, why not make a list of goals to remember what is important to me each month? The point isn't really to stress myself out, or feel bad when I don't complete everything. Somtimes, I'll look at my to-do list and think "all that is on this thing is meaningless!". I want to remember the things that mean something to me and make sure I do those things, rather than the things that just get in the way.

So, here you have my December Goals:

1. Order and send out Christmas Cards.

2. Make at least one meal for someone else.

3. Sing at least one Christmas carol together.

4. Go to Starbucks and get a salted caramel hot chocolate!

5. Make an ornament for our tree to remember 2010.

6. Bake a batch of Christmas cookies.

7. Write down the things that God taught us in 2010.

So with December flying by, I better get started on my list!

Love, K


  1. Get out, you are such a natural blogger!

  2. K--IF, and only, IF I were to be a lister-maker such as yourself I would definitely snatch number 4 & 5 from your list. Salted carmel hot chocolate-- YUM. Like the ornament idea too. Be sure to post how you decide on making an ornament. Would love some ideas :)

  3. Also, I pretty much love all of your goals for December. Mitch and I must have a date to remember all of the things that God taught us this year.
