Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

Today is Thursday. Which is SO CLOSE to Friday, it's hard to hold your breath.

This morning, I put on my work clothes.... purple sweater, black shirt, black ankle pants, and shoes. Went outside with my naked white ankles, realized it was 27 degrees and didn't know what to do! So, off I went to the land of the happy, Target, and bought some knee socks. Covered up my glowing frosty ankles and headed to work.

Got to work, asked coworker what she thought of new socks. Negative response.

Back to same sad story. No socks, bare ankles.

Happy Thursday! TGI(Almost)F!


  1. Please post a picture of knee socks! I'm trying to get an idea in my head. Let the CAKEs offer input... Please! :)

  2. Hahaha! I agree, please upload an iPhone picture.
