Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Spring is so refreshing. I was complaining in my last post about being uninspired and bogged down by life, etc. February has a way of putting me in a stupor. I am was getting so tired of boots. So tired of the black wool coat. So tired of the barren branches. So tired of being inside. And then suddenly.... LIFE. I love how our Creator just bursts into winter with all His glory and beauty. One morning I drove to work and it was winter and the next morning I drove to work and there were daffodils, trees that looked dead yesterday all of a sudden blooming away. It makes me happy and thankful for how creative and kind God is. Winter doesn't last forever. Can I get a Hallelujah?

The whole process is rejuvenating and energizing. It's even got me doing some spring cleaning. Cleaned out the laundry room, vacuumed my WALLS ( that's right-- you would NOT believe the dust on a wall if you really study it), and today I finally faced my biggest domestic challenge-- our bathtub. It's a long story but I've tried A LOT of tactics and none have really been satisfactory. Since I have some VERY important house guests coming this weekend (all the way from Brooklyn) and the bathtub had gotten in a particularly disgusting state ( sorry no before pics), it was time. Who else do you turn to in a crisis such as this but Martha. She did not lead me astray.

K & C, you would eat this book up; although I know you don't need it. I'm sure you've typed up your own manual.

I'm mildly obsessed with the brush and Bon Ami. Both revolutionary really. Isn't the can even cute? Cuteness in cleaning products isn't everything, but it does help. Plus it's natural-- no chemicals. Most importantly, together with the brush ( which I think is key) it worked magic on my tub. It's as clean as it's been since I've lived here.

I was sharing my discoveries with some other girls at K's tonight and they were all raving about the Miracle Eraser? They were shocked that I had never heard of it. What's your most prized cleaning product/tool? Or do you have any impressive spring cleaning feats you've tackled yet?

1 comment:

  1. So impressed with your spring cleaning! And I am super excited for you because I know how much of an annoyance that silly tub has been these past three years!
