Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Book Club

I took inspiration from Christen, and the NYC satellite book club is in session!  I have rounded up ten very interested ladies, and our first meeting is going to be next Wednesday.  I am so excited!  I cannot wait to see what book we pick and how this blossoms into a fun tradition.  I am thinking about suggesting the following three books: A Severe Mercy, Crossing to Safety and To Kill a Mockingbird.  What would you pick?

1 comment:

  1. A,

    Congratulations on the upcoming NYC satellite book club. E must be so proud.

    I recently re-read A Severe Mercy and was reminded of what a jewel it is. My bias would be for its selection.

    Update on the Houston satellite book club - our members were quite audacious and chose as our inaugural book, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, a mere 694 pages. This is what happens when you let boys (gasp!) into your book club. I was outvoted by girls who wanted their husbands to participate. Though I must say it's provided some fun dinner conversation for me and the brother roommate!

    Love y'all.

