Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Thought of It First!

So have you heard of the magazine Garden & Gun?  My cousin Leigh and her husband John were telling me about it over Christmas.  They said that they don't garden or hunt, but it is just a great Southern magazine.  And then I had a friend up here tell me about just a few weeks ago, so I went to the website today.  

It is a super cute website, and I saw an article named "Decorating with Maps."  As you know, we have been collecting maps of all the places we have lived and framing them and displaying them on a single wall, so I figured I would read to see what the article had to say.  Shock, awe, pride are just a few of the emotions I felt when I was reading this article and the author was talking about collecting maps of all the places she has lived and displaying them all together.  I wanted to comment and say that we had done it first, but I figured it would be a tacky. :)  However, if I could find her email address, I would email her a picture of our wall as an "example."  On my blog post yesterday, I have a picture of said wall, so you can see it here.  And you can read the article here.

Thanks for loving me even though I am prideful at times. :) And so thankful that our Father loves me even though I am full of sin and mess up every single day.


  1. This made me laugh! I appreciate your honesty and totally understand the feeling. You were the FIRST I had ever seen or heard of in the entire world to display a beautiful collection of maps of all the places you had lived. I was inspired then and continue to be... the photograph is beautiful that you took of your lovely map collection and book shelf, btw. Can I copy your idea as long as I eternally give you credit :). If not, I totally understand. I don't want any of you to name your daughter Emmaline. I will not be flattered. There. I said it. Honesty is liberating. Love y'all!

  2. Of course you can copy the idea; I would actually be flattered (and I do not need you to give me credit!). I think the article aroused those feelings because it was a designer presenting an idea that we had like two years ago and her vision was exactly like ours. So, point being, you can copy anything I do and not give me credit and I don't care; these feelings arose because she printed it as a new idea. And in her defense, it was a new idea to her. :)

    P.S. I can't believe you just took our future daughter's name off the table. :)
